CHIPLAY 2015 – Call for Course Proposals
Deadline for course proposals: June 26 2015, 5:00pm PT
Notification to authors: July 31 2015
Camera ready submission: August 7 2015
Courses will run over one half or a full day on Sunday, October 4th.
Submission format: 4 to 6 page (up from 4 previously) description in SIGCHI Extended Abstract Format and containing the information outlined below
Phoebe O. Toups Dugas, New Mexico State University
Günter Wallner, University of Applied Arts Vienna
If you have any questions, please contact the chairs at
Courses at CHI PLAY should allow participants to learn new hands-on knowledge about player-game interaction, development, and evaluation. They are great opportunities for industry pros and games researchers to teach their knowledge to an interested audience and allow interdisciplinary knowledge development between practitioners and researchers. If you work or research in the games domain and are eager to teach a course at CHI PLAY, we look forward to your submission.
For example, a course could:
– Provide a substantial overview of state of the art research or a technology area
– Introduce practitioners to emerging areas, new technologies, or methods within games research
– Create opportunities to learn new techniques for use in research or practice
– Provide master-level classes for experienced CHI PLAY attendees
– Provide advanced instruction in tools, technologies, or methods
Course proposals should be 4 to 6 pages in SIGCHI Extended Abstract format (
– Title of the Course (please make this short but descriptive)
– Names and affiliations of the instructors
– Duration: courses can be half or full day
– Features: a bullet list of the educational goals and/or major elements of your course
– Audience: state the disciplines and/or organizational roles of attendees and maximum number of participants
– Prerequisites: describe any required background
– Presentation: list the various presentation forms used, for example, lecture, demonstration, exercises, videos, group discussions, and/or case studies
– Instructor background: list the background for each instructor, including current employment and activities, previous professional activities, and relevant publications.
– A sample of the course material you will present in the course
– Resources: web site or other resources (e.g., books) that might be accessed to provide more information about the course or instructor(s)
– Fee: is a fee for participants expected to cover for materials?
Proposals should be submitted to the CHI PLAY submission site, at https://precisionconference.
If any special material or room setting is necessary for your course, please contact the courses chairs.
The proposals will be evaluated by members of the program committee on the basis of the quality of the proposal, their benefits to participants and their fit with the scope of CHIPLAY. Factors to be considered include relevance, timeliness and audience appeal; use of appropriate presentation methods and exercises; past experience and qualifications of the instructors.
Course instructors will receive one free registration for the conference per course. There is no honorarium for course instructors.