Quick Facts: Call for Participation

Submission deadline:  8 April 2015 (5:00pm PT)
Notification:  25 May 2015
Camera-ready deadline: 10 July 2015


Submission Requirements

While shorter submissions are acceptable, all papers up to 4 pages will be evaluated as notes and all papers over 4 pages will be evaluated as full papers. Please contact papers@chiplay.org with any questions.

Papers must be in the two-column ACM SIGCHI format (Word template, Latex Template, PDF example) and in the English language (paper failing to meet these criteria will be desk rejected with a brief review from the papers chairs). All accepted papers must be presented as a talk at the conference with the option of also presenting a demo or video at the conference. Paper length must match the size of the contribution, and the same general review criteria hold for all papers. All papers will undergo the same review process and be published in the same way: all accepted submissions in this category will be included in the conference proceedings and we intend to publish through the ACM Digital Library.

Authors are invited to submit high-quality original work to advance the field. Papers will be subject to blind peer reviewing and all identifying information about authors needs to be removed from the submitted manuscripts. Citations to own work must not be anonymous, but should be described in a way that does not reveal you as the author of the cited work. Submissions must be made using the Precision Conference System (PCS). We encourage authors strongly to submit a video figure to support and accompany their submission. The committee will choose the best to be part of a plenary session at the conference.

For more information on the difference between papers and notes, and the expectations of the size of the contribution for each format, please see: http://chi2014.acm.org/authors/papers-versus-notes.

Committee members:

Please direct any questions to the papers chairs:

Daniel Johnson

Regan Mandryk