Post to the #chiplay15 hashtag on Twitter and see the summaries here and here.
Full CHI PLAY Citation in the ACM Digital Library and all papers from the program are here.
CHI PLAY 2015 Best Papers (awarded to top 1% of submissions)
- Manipulating Leaderboards to Induce Player Experience by Jason T Bowey, Max V Birk, Regan L Mandryk (Best Note)
- Increasing Donating Behavior Through a Game for Change: The Role of Interactivity and Appreciation by Sharon T Steinemann, Elisa D Mekler, Klaus Opwis (Best Paper)
CHI PLAY 2015 Honourable Mentions (awarded to top 5% of submissions)
- How Self-Esteem Shapes our Interactions with Play Technologies by Max V Birk, Regan L Mandryk, Kathrin M Gerling, Matthew K Miller
- Using Empirical Learning Curve Analysis to Inform Design in an Educational Game by Erik Harpstead, Vincent Aleven
- Utilizing Gravity in Movement-Based Games and Play by Perttu Hämäläinen, Joe Marshall, Raine Kajastila, Richard Byrne, Florian Mueller
- Flow during Individual and Co-operative Gameplay by Christopher Lee, Peta Wyeth, Daniel Johnson, Joshua Hall
- Exploring Gameplay Experiences on the Oculus Rift by Chek Tien Tan, Tuck Wah Leong, Songjia Shen, Christopher Dubravs, Chen Si
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Coffee breaks: 10:45–11:15, 15:30–16:00; Recommended lunch break: 13:00–14:00; Registration hours: 8:00-18:00 | ||
09:00 – 18:00 Workshops (must register), | DIGIMINT– Interdisciplinary Reflections on Games and Human Values, Half day, from 09:00 – 13:00 (Room 101) | |
Workshop on Personalization in Serious and Persuasive Games and Gamified Interactions (Room 102) | ||
The False Dichotomy between Positive and Negative Affect in Game Play (Room B1.03) | ||
Tool Design Jam: Designing tools for Games User Research (Room B1.05) | ||
Ageing Playfully – Advancing Research on Games for Older Adults Beyond Accessibility and Health Benefits, Half day, from 14:00 – 18:00 (Room 101) | ||
09:00 – 18:00 Doctoral Consortium | Adaptive Engagement of Older Adults’ Fitness through Gamification | Dennis L. Kappen, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada |
Determinants of Human Computation Game Acceptance | Xiaohui Wang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | |
Examining the Impact Narrative Interactivity Has on Fostering Identity Formation in an Educational Game | Philip Buffum, North Carolina State University, USA | |
User Experience of Mobile Proximity-Based Applications for Playful Social Interaction | Susanna Paasovaara, Tampere University of Technology, Finland | |
Vertigo as a Design Resource for Bodily Play | Richard Byrne, RMIT University, Australia | |
Towards Design Strategies for the Persuasive Gameplay Experience | Martijn Kors, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands | |
Investigating the Influence of Game Elements in Civic Engagement | Sarah-Kristin Thiel, Telecommunications Research Centre Wien, Austria | |
Engagement Through Play: Politics and Video Games | Hanne Wagner, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom |
Monday, 5 October 2015
Paper presentations are 20 minutes (15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes for questions and speaker change), Notes are 10 minutes (7 minute presentation and 3 minutes for questions and speaker change). <PRO> marks presentations from seasoned game industry professionals, which are 20 minutes in total (questions at discretion of speaker).
The conference venue is The Light, at Friend’s House. More information can be found on the Venue page.
09:00-09:10 | CHI PLAY Conference Welcome | Anna Cox and Paul Cairns |
09:10-10:10 Opening Keynote | A Frank Conversation about the “F” Word | Mark Barlet, Founder & Executive Director, Able Gamers |
10:10-10:40 | Coffee Break (30 mins) | |
10:40-12:00 Player Experience and Wellbeing (Session Chair: Vero Van den Abeele) | Playing Alone, Playing With Others: Differences in Player Experience and Indicators of Wellbeing | Kellie Vella, Daniel Johnson, Leanne Hides |
Removing the HUD: The Impact of Non-Diegetic Game Elements and Expertise on Player Involvement | Ioanna Iacovides, Anna L Cox, Richard Kennedy, Paul Cairns, Charlene I Jennett | |
The Placebo Effect in Digital Games: Phantom Perception of Adaptive Artificial Intelligence | Alena Denisova, Paul Cairns | |
How Self-Esteem Shapes our Interactions with Play Technologies | Max V Birk, Regan L Mandryk, Kathrin M Gerling, Matthew K Miller | |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch (provided) | |
13:00-14:30 Notes! Notes! Notes! (Session Chair: Lennart Nacke) | Expressing Emotions With Synthetic Affect Bursts | Michael Schmitz, Benedict C.O.F. Fehringer, Mert Akbal |
Adaptation in Digital Games: The Effect of Challenge Adjustment on Player Performance and Experience | Alena Denisova, Paul Cairns | |
Flow during Individual and Co-operative Gameplay | Christopher Lee, Peta Wyeth, Daniel Johnson, Joshua Hall | |
Low-Cost Gamification of Online Surveys: Improving the User Experience through Achievement Badges | Johannes Harms, Dominik Seitz, Christoph Wimmer, Karin Kappel, Thomas Grechenig | |
Manipulating Leaderboards to Induce Player Experience | Jason T Bowey, Max V Birk, Regan L Mandryk | |
Emotional and Functional Challenge in Core and Avant-garde Games | Tom Cole, Paul Cairns, Marco Gilliesz | |
14:30-15:00 | Coffee Break | |
15:00-16:20 Exert Yourself (Session Chair: Luc Geurts) | Get off the Couch: An Approach to Utilize Sedentary Commercial Games as Exergames | Anjana Chatta, Tyler Hurst, Gayani Samaraweera, Rongkai Guo, John Quarles |
Quantifying Individual Differences, Skill Development, and Fatigue Effects in Small-Scale Exertion Interfaces | Mike Sheinin, Carl Gutwin | |
Utilizing Gravity in Movement-Based Games and Play | Perttu Hämäläinen, Joe Marshall, Raine Kajastila, Richard Byrne, Florian Mueller | |
Designing for Exertion: How Heart-Rate Power-ups Increase Physical Activity in Exergames | Mallory Ketcheson, Zi Ye, Nicholas Graham | |
16:20-16:40 <PRO> | Optimizing mobile games using player behaviour | Steve Collins, Swrve |
18:30-21:00 | CHI PLAY Welcome Reception | Work-in-progress posters, demos, and student game design competition entries. Venue: Senate House, Malet St, London WC1E 7HU (we’ve also listed this on the map) |
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
09:00-10:00 Keynote | Playful Interactions in Public | Yvonne Rogers, Professor of Interaction Design, Director of UCL Interaction Centre, Fellow of the British Computer Society and the ACM’s CHI Academy |
10:00-10:20 | Coffee Break (20 mins) | |
10:20-12:00 Playing and Creating Together (Session Chair: Joe Marshall) | Hide and Seek: Exploring Interaction With Smart Wallpaper | Charlotte Hoare, Rosie Campbell, Richard Felton, Liam Betsworth |
After All the Time I Put Into This: Co-Creation and the End-of-life of Social Network Games | Alexandra Samper-Martinez, Kathrin Gerling, Ercilia Garcia-Alvarez, Ben J Kirman, Shaun W Lawson | |
From Front-End to Back-End and Everything In-Between: Work Practice in Game Development | Boriana Koleva, Peter Tolmie, Patrick Brundell, Stefan J Rennick-Egglestone, Steve Benford | |
Exploring Twitter as a Game Platform; Strategies and Opportunities for Microblogging-based Games | Kieran Hicks, Kathrin Gerling, Ben J Kirman, Conor Linehan, Patrick Dickinson | |
Gaze-Based Onlooker Integration: Exploring the In-Between of Active Player and Passive Spectator in Co-Located Gaming | Bernhard Maurer, Ilhan Aslan, Martin Wuchse, Katja Neureiter, Manfred Tscheligi | |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch (provided) | |
13:00-14:20 Learning (Session Chair: Janet Read) | The Game Genre Map: A Revised Game Classification | Stephanie Heintz, Effie L.-C. Law |
Peter the Fashionista? Computer Programming Games and Gender-Oriented Cultural Forms | Sarah AlSulaiman, Michael S Horn | |
Using Empirical Learning Curve Analysis to Inform Design in an Educational Game | Erik Harpstead, Vincent Aleven | |
An Optical Brain Imaging Study on the Improvements in Mathematical Fluency from Game-based Learning | Murat Perit Cakir, Nur Cakir, Hasan Ayaz, Frank J Lee | |
14:20-15:00 | Coffee Break | |
15:00-16:20 Violent Avatars in Virtual Reality (Session Chair: Jo Iacovides) | The Avatar Affordances Framework: Mapping Affordances and Design Trends in Character Creation Interfaces | Victoria McArthur, Robert John Teather, Jennifer Jenson |
Determining the Characteristics of Preferred Virtual Faces Using an Avatar Generator | Valentin Schwind, Katrin Wolf, Niels Henze, Oliver Korn | |
Higher Graphical Fidelity Decreases Players’ Access to Aggressive Concepts in Violent Video Games | David Isaac Zendle, Paul Cairns, Daniel Kudenko | |
Exploring Gameplay Experiences on the Oculus Rift | Chek Tien Tan, Tuck Wah Leong, Songjia Shen, Christopher Dubravs, Chen Si | |
16:20-16:40 <PRO> | User Research Throughout the Game Development Process | Graham McAllister, Player Research |
Dinner (on your own) |
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
09:00-09:20 <PRO> | Gamification, the elixir of performance? | Kam Star, PlayGen |
09:20-10:20 Changing and Measuring Behaviour (Session Chair: by Kathrin Gerling) | Tough Shift: Exploring the Complexities of Shifting Residential Electricity Use Through a Casual Mobile Game | Robert S Brewer, Nervo Verdezoto, Thomas Holst, Mia Kruse Rasmussen |
Increasing Donating Behavior Through a Game for Change: The Role of Interactivity and Appreciation | Sharon T Steinemann, Elisa D Mekler, Klaus Opwis | |
Game-based Assessment of Psycho-acoustic Thresholds: Not All Games Are Equal! | Vero Vanden Abeele, Jan Wouters, Pol Ghesquière, Ann Goeleven, Luc Geurts | |
10:20-10:40 | Coffee Break | |
10:40-12:20 Novel Interactions (Session Chair: Perttu Hämäläinen) | Player Identity Dissonance and Voice Interaction in Games | Marcus Carter, Fraser Allison, John Downs, Martin Gibbs |
Arcade+: A Platform for Public Deployment and Evaluation of Multi-Modal Games | Eduardo Velloso, Carl Oechsner, Katharina Sachmann, Markus Wirth, Hans Gellersen | |
Anticipatory Gaze Shifts during Navigation in a Naturalistic Virtual Environment | Jeremy B Badler, Alessandro Canossa | |
Operation Citadel: Exploring the Role of Docents in Mixed Reality | Daniel Yule, Bonnie MacKay, Derek Reilly | |
Player-Computer Interaction Features for Designing Digital Play Experiences across Six Degrees of Water Contact | William L Raffe, Marco Tamassia, Xiaodong Li, Sarah Jane Pell, Fabio Zambetta, Florian Mueller | |
12:20-13:00 | Lunch (provided) | |
13:00-13:20 <PRO> | Quantitative experience design and pragmatic product management: Welcome to the liminal zone | Heather Stark, Kinran |
13:20-15:00 Analytics and Questionnaires (Session Chair: Max Birk) | Gaze-Supported Gaming: MAGIC Techniques for First Person Shooters | Eduardo Velloso, Amy Fleming, Jason Alexander, Hans Gellersen |
Sequential Analysis of Player Behavior | Guenter Wallner | |
Integrated Questionnaires: Maintaining Presence in Game Environments for Self-Reported Data Acquisition | Julian Frommel, Katja Rogers, Julia Brich, Daniel Besserer, Leonard Bradatsch, Isabel Ortinau, Ramona Schabenberger, Valentin Riemer, Claudia Schrader, Michael Weber | |
What Drives People: Creating Engagement Profiles of Players from Game Log Data | Erik Harpstead, Thomas Zimmermann, Nachiappan Nagapan, Jose J Guajardo, Ryan Cooper, Tyson Solberg, Dan Greenawalt | |
PLEXQ: Towards a Playful Experiences Questionnaire | Marion Boberg, Evangelos Karapanos, Jussi Holopainen, Andres Lucero | |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee Break | |
15:30-16:30 Closing Keynote | Putting humans back into games | Jo Twist, UK Interactive Entertainment |
16:30-16:45 | Closing Address | CHI PLAY Committee |