CHIPLAY 2015 – Call for Workshop Proposals

CHI PLAY, now in its second year, is a new international and interdisciplinary conference by ACM SIGCHI for researchers and professionals across all areas of play, games, and human-computer interaction (HCI). We call this multidisciplinary area “player-computer interaction”.

CHI PLAY Workshops offer a great opportunity to develop new collaborations and establish new and exciting research areas, allowing for focused discussions or activities with experts that study a common theme. Workshops may address any games-related topic. They should generate ideas and create momentum towards the study of problems in our field. We are especially interested in workshops that bridge the researcher and practitioner communities. Prior workshops included gaze-based interaction gameplay, a game jam for exertion games, and a games user research workshop. Details about last year’s workshops can be found here:

If you are interested in bringing together a group of researchers that share your passion for the type of research you perform, consider the organization of a workshop. In prior conferences, such as CHI, workshops have resulted in special journal issues, books, and research projects. Others created communities and evolved into their own conferences. We are happy to invite you to participate at CHI PLAY through the submission of a workshop proposal.


Deadline for course proposals: June 26 2015, 5:00pm PT

Notification to authors: July 31 2015

Camera ready submission: August 7 2015

Submissions should take the form of up to 6 pages in ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstract format.


Phoebe Toups Dugas, New Mexico State University

Günter Wallner, University of Applied Arts Vienna

If you have any questions, please contact the chairs at


We are soliciting workshop proposals from organizers. Workshops will run on the first day of the conference (Sunday, October 4th), and can be either in full-day or half-day format. Full-day workshops run from 9:00am until 6:00pm. Half-day workshops run from 9:00am to 1:00pm. The workshop proposal should include the following details:

  • An abstract, in SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format and no longer than six pages, that briefly covers the topic of the workshop, its novelty, and its expected impact. The abstract should loosely cover the planned activities and schedule. The final version of this will go into the ACM Digital Library.
  • Whether the workshop is full or half day.
  • Anticipated number of participants.
  • A draft call for papers, which will resemble the one that will be widely published to advertise the workshop

Workshop organizers should submit a workshop submission package by June 26th 2015 to CHI PLAY, which will be reviewed by a panel of domain and logistics experts. If a workshop is accepted, the workshop organizers will publicize the workshop to solicit potential participants to submit position papers. Workshop organizers solicit participants for their workshop through a Workshop Participants Call for Participation and CHI PLAY places a link to the workshop’s website on the CHI PLAY Workshops Page. Packages should be submitted to the CHI PLAY submission site, at

Once a workshop is accepted to the conference, interested participants should submit a position paper to the organizers of the workshop. Position papers are statements of interest and/or expertise in the workshop topic, in any format or media as defined by the workshop organizers. The workshop organizers will review position papers using their own criteria, and will decide on the final list of participants.

Workshop papers will not be published by CHIPLAY as part of the conference’s proceedings. However, as mentioned above, the organizers may publish their own proceedings, organize a special issue in a journal, or publish an edited book that will include the workshop’s papers.
A workshop description will be published as part of the conference proceedings and in the ACM digital library. The description should be part of the submission package, and should be in the form of a 6-page ACM SIGCHI extended abstract.

Workshops are intended to create a lively discussion and/or activities that will include both the participants and the organizers. As this discussion is important, the participants should have positions developed and submitted to the organizers. The organizers will be responsible for reviewing and accepting the participants’ positions. However, workshops should not just be about paper presentation sessions. They should include a lively discussion, and focus on building a community based on communal knowledge creation. They should also not be classes that will be taught by the organizers; these should be submitted to the Tutorials and Courses track.