As a SIGCHI-sponsored conference, CHI PLAY will welcome submissions from all topics in interactive game research that are relevant to player-computer interaction. We encourage submissions on novel and innovative game interactions and mechanics and acknowledge that contributions on systems research may involve less extensive evaluation than more traditional research papers. – See more information about submissions under specific headings.
Acceptance is based on a strict peer review process.
We have selected a program committee of experts in human-computer interaction and game research to lead the formal review process. Once your paper is submitted as a blind manuscript in the correct format, our program committee and external reviewers will provide at least 3 high quality reviews (at least two from our PC members). The Associate Chair (AC) will contribute their own opinion about the paper and summarize the individual reviews, meta-reviewing the paper and providing advice to the authors regarding the rebuttal. A rebuttal is a chance to clarify any misconceptions that the reviewers might have about the paper. This is an opportunity for authors to rebut factual error in reviews or to answer questions asked by reviewers. Rebuttals are required to be written in a very short timeframe after the reviews are sent out. CHI PLAY rebuttals are 2500 characters in length. The PC and conference chairs will review and discuss all submitted rebuttals. The papers chairs will then deliberate in close communication with the committee members about the acceptance of papers. Authors will then be recommended to make certain changes before the camera-ready submission and acceptance might be tentative until those changes are included. At least one author of the paper must register for the conference and present the paper at the conference.