CHI PLAY 2016 uses two formats for submissions: “Proceedings” and “Extended Abstracts”. All submissions should be made via Precision Conference. CHI PLAY uses the ACM SIGCHI templates for papers.
Citing Games
There is now a format for citing games as references; details of how to do this are provided in the example templates (note that the LaTeX template requires that publisher information be in the Note field of the accompanying BibTeX file). Authors are encouraged to use this new format in their papers. An example of the game reference format follows:
Sample: Nintendo R&D1 and Intelligent Systems. 1994. Super Metroid. Game [SNES]. (18 April 1994). Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan. Played August 2011.
General Pattern (note that for each entry, you should cite a specific version (e.g., platform) for a game): <developer>. <release year>. <game title in italics>. Game [<platform>]. (<game release date in <day> <month> <year> formats>). <publisher name>, <publisher address> (optional) Played <last played date>.
The submission formats are provided below (note that they may differ from the latest versions in the official Github repository for templates).
Proceedings Format
These templates should be used for submitting CHI PLAY 2016 Papers and Notes. Please see the CHI Extended Abstracts format (below) for other submission types. Note that references do not count toward page limits.
Microsoft Word Template for Papers and Notes
LaTeX Template for Papers and Notes
Extended Abstracts Format
These template should be used for submitting to the Works-in-Progress (six pages), CHI PLAY Student Game Design Competition (six pages), Workshops (six pages), Courses (four pages) and Doctoral Consortium (four pages). Please see the CHI PLAY Proceedings format (above) for submitting CHI PLAY Papers and Notes. Note that references do not count toward page limits.
Microsoft Word Template for Extended Abstracts
LaTeX Template for Extended Abstracts