CHI Play is looking for student volunteers to help us make the conference a great experience for everyone! The student volunteer organization is what keeps everything running smoothly throughout the conference, and we need friendly enthusiastic volunteers to help us out.
Become a Student Volunteer
In order to become a student volunteer, you must have had student status for at least one semester during the academic year 2016. We are more than happy to accept undergrad, graduate, and PhD students. Applications will remain open until Friday August 26th. At which point we will close the lottery and 15 students will be chosen as SVs. All other students who registered will be assigned a position on the waiting list.
What will I do when I volunteer?
You will agree to a volunteer contract, in which you agree to:
Work at least 15 hours
Show up on time to tasks
Attend an orientation session
Arrive at the conference by Saturday afternoon at the latest
In return we commit to waive your registration fee. You will also receive a very cool (and exclusive) CHI Play Student Volunteer t-shirt! Finally, we will throw a party for you and your SV teammates.
Got questions?
If you have any questions about becoming a student volunteer for CHI Play, please contact our Student Volunteer Chairs.
How do I volunteer?
Fill in the form below: