
September 15, 2017
Early-bird discount ends

October 15, 2017
Conference opens


4 to 10 pages in ACM SIGCHI Paper format, references excluded
Full papers are archived in the proceedings in the ACM Digital Library and presented as a talk at the conference

Important dates
April 14, 2017: Submission of manuscripts (please note: April 14 is Good Friday. We apologize for the inconvenience)
June 26, 2017: Notification of acceptance
July 31, 2017: Final camera-ready papers due

Authors are invited to submit high-quality original work to advance the field of player-computer research.

CHI PLAY 2017 will not make a distinction between notes and papers, but encourages authors to use the number of pages necessary, with a lower limit of 4 pages and an upper limit of 10 pages. References are excluded from the page limit, and there is no limit on the number of pages necessary for the references.

Obviously, paper length must match the size of the contribution. All papers, regardless of length, will undergo the same review process, and the same general review criteria. All papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

Papers must be in the two-column ACM SIGCHI Paper format and in the English language.

Papers will be subject to blind peer reviewing and all identifying information about authors needs to be removed from the submitted manuscripts. Citations to own work must not be anonymous, but should be described in a way that does not reveal the authors of the submitted paper as the author of the cited work.
Papers failing to meet these criteria (paper length, acceptable language, anonymized) will be desk rejected.

Submissions must be made using the Precision Conference System (PCS). We strongly encourage authors to submit a video to support and accompany their submission when applicable. Papers may refer to these videos. All accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference, by one of the authors of the paper. Authors may also be invited to present a demo at the conference, as part of the Play Exhibition.

In planning your submission schedule, please note that the deadline is on Good Friday, which is a religious holiday in some countries. We apologize for the inconvenience; we aim at giving all authors as much time as possible, while meeting the tight deadline for reviewing, typesetting, and publishing.

Papers that are not accepted as a full paper, but are flagged by reviewers as suitable candidates for the Spotlight paper session, may be invited and fast tracked.
