
September 15, 2017
Early-bird discount ends

October 15, 2017
Conference opens


Up to 6 pages in SIGCHI Extended Abstract format, excluding references. Works-in-progress are archived in the companion proceedings in the ACM Digital Library and presented as a poster at the conference.

Important dates
June 30, 2017: Submission Work in Progress papers
August 7, 2017: Notification of acceptance
August 14, 2017: Final camera-ready papers due

Work-in-Progress contributions provide a unique opportunity for late-breaking results to be presented in a poster format. Accepted submissions will be presented as a poster at the conference. Posters papers will be peer-reviewed and archived in the companion proceedings, which is published in the ACM Digital Library. We encourage authors to submit a video figure to support their submission, and the committee will choose the best videos to be part of a plenary session at the conference.
