September 15, 2017
Early-bird discount ends
October 15, 2017
Conference opens
How to reach IJsfontein? (workshops location)
IJsfontein, one of the conference venues, is located inside the Marineterrein in Amsterdam, really close to the main conference venue.
Coming on foot from Central Station?
Exit the station, facing the city center of Amsterdam. Turn left and begin walking or biking. Cross a small canal through the Oosterdokskade, and pass in front of a Hilton hotel. Walk past some fancy hotels, a MediaMarkt, and the beautiful public library. Then, you will find a pedestrian bridge: that's the Oosterdoks Draaibrug, take it and cross the water. You will pass in front of Mediamatic (remember it! we'll go there Monday evening). There's another pedestrian bridge to your right: there you cross over to the Marineterrein. IJsfontein is located in the first building on the right, in front of the water (building 024). The entrance is not on the waterfront, but on the street.
Coming on foot from Pakhuis de Zwijger (main conference venues)?
Exit Pakhuis de Zwijger, cross the road and pass under the railroad bridge, then turn right on Dijksgracht - that's a small road with some house-boats. Walk on for 5 minutes, then you'll find a pedestrian bridge on the left: there you cross over to the Marineterrein. IJsfontein is located in the first building on the right, in front of the water (building 024). The entrance is not on the waterfront, but on the street.
See also the maps below: