
September 15, 2017
Early-bird discount ends

October 15, 2017
Conference opens

Special opportunities for HvA students

The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences is hosting CHI PLAY 2017 and, for this reason, the organizers have reserved special opportunities for students and colleagues from the AUAS.

  • Twenty tickets for Ian Bogost's opening keynote have been kindly bought by the AUAS, to be distributed to students. To claim a ticket, write an email to, with the subject line "CHI PLAY Keynote" with a short motivation text (5/6 lines). These tickets are reserved to students. Teachers and researchers may send an email to the same address to be put in a "waiting list", in case some tickets remain available.
  • Other tickets for Bogost's opening keynote are available at a 50% discount. Use code ‘studentKey17′ when registering.
  • The "Dutch Courage" game exhibition at MediaMatic is always open to the public, with the exception of Monday 16 October after 17.30 (opening reception - ticket required).
