
September 15, 2017
Early-bird discount ends

October 15, 2017
Conference opens

Satellite event: Persuasive Gaming Conference

The CHI Play organizers are proud to announce the "Persuasive Gaming Conference (PGC)", which will be held in conjunction to the CHI Play 2017 conference.

The Persuasive Gaming Conference (PGC) is the closing event of the “Persuasive Gaming in Context” research project, a collaboration between Utrecht University, the Technological University Eindhoven and the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Among the guests: Dr. Ian Bogost (Georgia Institute of Technology), Dr. Miguel Sicart (IT University of Copenhagen), Dr. Sebastian Deterding (University of York), Dr. Geoff Kaufman (Carnegie Mellon University), Dr. Mary Flanagan (Dartmouth College), Dr. Lindsay Grace (American University), Dr. Sun Joo Ahn (University of Georgia), Dr. Menno Deen (Lapp), Dr. Mette Wichmand (Roskilde University), Dr. Chad Wertley (Robert Morris University), Dr. Yu Hao Lee (University of Florida).

The PGC will take place in Amsterdam on 15 October 2017, connected to CHI PLAY 2017. For more information, see 
