Authors are invited to submit high-quality original work to advance the field of player-computer interaction research. CHI PLAY 2018 welcomes submissions that further our understanding of the player experience, as well as contributions on novel designs or implementations of player-computer interactions.
Quick Facts
All times are 23:59 Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone (UTC -10:00).
Important dates
- April 13, 2018: Full Papers submission deadline
- June 13, 2018: Reviews sent to authors
- June 19, 2018: Rebuttal deadline
- July 6, 2018: Decisions sent to authors
- August 10, 2018: Final camera-ready papers due
- Up to 10 pages (references excluded) in SIGCHI Proceedings Format
- Submissions must be made to CHI PLAY 2018 Papers using the Precision Conference System
- Submissions are anonymous
CHI PLAY 2018 will not make a distinction between notes and papers, but encourages authors to use the number of pages necessary, with an upper limit of 10 pages. References do not count toward the page limit.
Apologies if you viewed any previous information specifying a longer page limit – this was because we were planning on using the 2017 ACM Master template, which seemed to extend the length of existing papers by up to 2 pages. However, due to issues reported with the newer template, we have reverted to using a previous version. Please see submission guidelines for more detail.
Preparing and Submitting
Paper length should match the size of the contribution. All papers, regardless of length, will undergo the same review process, and the same general review criteria. Papers must be in the correct two-column ACM format as specified in the submission guidelines and in the English language.
Submissions must be made using the Precision Conference System (PCS). We strongly encourage authors to submit a video to support and accompany their submission when applicable. Papers may refer to these videos.
Review Process
Papers will be subject to blind peer reviewing and all identifying information about authors needs to be removed from the submitted manuscripts. Citations to own work must not be anonymous, but should be described in a way that does not reveal the authors of the submitted paper as the author of the cited work. For example, instead of “We build on our previous work [] through…” one should say “We build on the work of <author name> et al. [] through…” Papers failing to meet these criteria (paper length, acceptable language, anonymized) will be desk rejected.
Papers that are not accepted as a full paper, but are flagged by reviewers as suitable candidates for the Spotlight paper track, may be invited and fast tracked into the Spotlight Papers track. Note that this will also require reformatting the paper into the extended abstracts format and adjusting its length.
Upon Acceptance
All accepted papers must be presented as an oral presentation at the conference, by one of the authors of the paper. The presenting author must register for the full conference. Similar to previous years, the program committee will nominate papers for best paper awards (top 1% of submissions) and honorary mentions (top 5% of submissions).
After the Conference
Full papers will be available in the CHI PLAY 2018 Conference proceedings available in the ACM Digital Library.