Courses at CHI PLAY should allow participants to learn new hands-on knowledge about player-game interaction, development and evaluation. They are great opportunities for industry professionals to teach their knowledge to an interested audience and allow interdisciplinary knowledge development between practitioners and researchers. If you work in game education/research or game development and are eager to teach a workshop at CHI PLAY, we look forward to your submission.
Important dates (23:59 UTC -10:00)
June 13, 2019 | Decisions sent to authors |
July 5, 2019 | Final camera-ready papers due |
- All times are 23:59 Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone (UTC -10:00)
- Up to 4 pages (references excluded) in SIGCHI Extended Abstract Format
- Optional: Course Material Samples (for example, handouts, slides, etc.)
- Submissions must be made to CHI PLAY 2019 using the Precision Conference System (PCS)
- Submissions are NOT anonymous
Courses will run at the conference with any participants that choose to register. We welcome new ideas and formats for CHI PLAY courses. We recommend potential course instructors to contact the course chairs in advance of submitting their proposal. A proposal should have the following components: an Advance Program Description (100 words), a Course Description (up to 4 pages) for the ACM Digital Library, and (optionally) Course Material Samples (for example, handouts, slides, etc.)
As part of the online submission process, submitters will be asked to also provide the following to help the jury and chairs understand the logistical constraints of the proposed course:
- Duration and format of the Course.
- Audience size: what is the preferred audience size? If the Course is very popular, would you consider teaching it more than once or maybe online? If you believe your course should be limited to a certain number for optimal effect, please state so and state the optimal number below or above which you believe your course would not be maximally effective.
- Course history: Have you given this course before? If the proposed Course has been given previously, describe where it was given, the evaluation it received from attendees, and how it will be modified.
- Audio/visual and other needs: What would you need to be able to run a successful course? CHI PLAY can generally provide a projector, screen, computer audio, and podium microphone. Budget constraints make it unlikely that additional equipment can be provided.
- Promotional strategy: What is your promotion strategy? A description of your advertising/promotional strategy for attracting attendees.
Review Process
Workshops are a curated track and highly selective.
Upon Acceptance
The accepted course instructors will receive more information about the expected format of the Course notes and about logistics after acceptance of courses.
Courses with fewer than 10 participants registered by the early registration deadline may be cancelled. We therefore strongly recommend that you promote your courses through social media channels, in your own social networks, to your personal contacts and in your teaching, research and professional/practice communities.
After the Conference
Accepted four-page Course Descriptions will be distributed in the CHI PLAY Extended Abstracts, available in the ACM Digital Library. Course notes and additional descriptive material will not be available in the Proceedings or the ACM Digital Library.
Please direct any questions to the Course Chairs