CHI PLAY 2019 uses two formats for submissions: “Proceedings” (for full papers) and “Extended Abstracts” (all other tracks e.g. Works-in-Progress, Doctoral Consortium, Rapid Communications). In addition, because CHI PLAY deals with games, we provide express advice on how to cite games as scholarly resources. Submissions should be made to CHI PLAY 2019 via Precision Conference 2.0. We will NOT be using the ACM master template. Instead, please make sure to use the SIGCHI proceedings templates provided below.
Proceedings Format
Please note the template files have been changed to reflect changes in CHI formats. Please, download the new templates. We apologize for any inconveniences this change may have caused.
CHI PLAY full papers use the following SIGCHI templates. Submissions can be up to 10 pages long. Note that references do not count toward page limits. Please note that the classification system has changed and you are now required to use the ACM 2012 classifiers. See instructions here.
- Proceedings Word Template (updated June 19th)
- Proceedings LaTeX Template (updated June 19th)
- Overleaf template (please check your PDF for spurious characters —including the references block— and fix them before submission)
- Proceedings PDF example
Extended Abstracts Format
Please note the template files have been changed to reflect changes in CHI formats. Please, download the new templates. We apologize for any inconveniences this change may have caused.
CHI PLAY venues other than full papers (e.g., Works-in-Progress, Doctoral Consortium, Rapid
- Extended Abstracts Word Template (updated June 19th)
- Extended Abstracts LaTex Template (updated June 19th)
- Overlead template (please check your PDF for spurious characters —including the references block— and fix them before submission)
- Extended abstracts PDF example.
Citing Games
As games figure prominently in CHI PLAY research, we provide advice on how to cite them as scholarly sources. Authors are encouraged to use this new format in their papers. Word users can follow the guidelines; LaTeX users should use the BibTeX information below. An example of the game reference format follows:
Nintendo R&D1 and Intelligent Systems. 1994. Super Metroid. Game [SNES]. (18 April 1994). Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan. Last played August 2011.
General Pattern (note that for each entry, you should cite a specific version (e.g., platform) for a game): <developer>. <release year>. <game title in italics>. Game [<platform>]. (<game release date in <day> <month> <year> formats>). <publisher name>, <publisher address> (optional) Last played <last played date>.
LaTeX / BibTeX users should use the @misc entry type; the data fields should be filled as follows (the running example is at the end):
Author: Use the developer or developers of the version being cited. To avoid having the system treat the developer(s) as a first and last name, use curly braces around each developer.
- Year:
- The release year for the version being cited.
- Title:
- The game title, which has to be manually italicized (using \emph).
- Howpublished:
- The word “Game” followed by the platform in square brackets.
- Day:
- The release day, if known, for the version being cited.
- Month:
- The release month, if known, for the version being cited.
- Note:
- The publisher’s name and location, followed by, optionally “Last played” and the date last played.
- Publisher and Address:
- The template will not read these (hence the need to enter them as a note).
Address = {Kyoto, Japan},
Author = {{Nintendo R\&D1} and {Intelligent Systems}},
Day = {18},
Howpublished = {Game [SNES]},
Month = {April},
Note = {Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan. Last played August 2011.},
Publisher = {Nintendo},
Title = {\emph{Super Metroid}},
Year = {1994}}
Please direct any questions to Paper Chairs