25 October — Auditorium Hall
- Measuring Fun with Adolescents: Introducing the Spanish and Dutch Adaptation of the FunQ
Gabriella Tisza, Adrián Gollerizo, Panos Markopoulos - Player Types and Achievements – Using Adaptive Game Design to Foster Intrinsic Motivation
Georg Volkmar, Johannes Pfau, Rudolf Teise, Rainer Malaka - Evaluating the GameFlow Model with Different Stakeholders
Penny Sweetser, Daniel Johnson - Towards an Objective Measure of Presence: Examining Startle Reflexes in a Commercial Virtual Reality Game
(Johannes Schirm, Gabriela Tullius, M.P. Jacob Habgood) - Organisational Climate Fostering Playfulness: Introducing the Gamification Climate Scale
Cornelia Gerdenitsch, Daniela Wurhofer, Pascal Klöckner, Simone Kriglstein, Manfred Tscheligi - Trusted Teammates: Commercial Digital Games Can Be Effective Trust-Building Tools
Evelyn Tan, Anna L. Cox - Shinobi Valley: Studying Curiosity For Virtual Spatial Exploration Through A Video Game
Marcello A. Gómez-Maureira, Isabelle Kniestedt, Max van Duijn, Carolien Rieffe, Aske Plaat - Getting the Player’s Attention: Comparing the Effectiveness of Common Notification Types in Task Management Games
Wen Bo Yu, Daniel MacCormick, Loutfouz Zaman, Pejman Mirza-Babaei - Exploring the Effects of Time Pressure on Screen-Cheating Behaviour: Insights and Design Potentials
Moritz Kubesch, Michael Lankes, Bernhard Maurer - Choosing a Side: How do Players Pick a Game when Entering the MOBA Genre?
Rees Morris, Sarah Wiseman - What Data do Players Rely on in Social Deduction Games?
Sarah Wiseman, Kevin Lewis - Social Games Are Fun: Exploring Social Interactions on Smart Speaker Platforms for People with Disabilities
Stefan Greuter, Susan Balandin, Jo Watson - Societies in Games: how do players perceive groups of game characters?
Diogo Rato, Samuel Mascarenhas, Rui Prada - Can You Rely on Human Computation? A Large-scale Analysis of Disruptive Behavior in Games With A Purpose
Johannes Pfau, Rainer Malaka - Large-Scale Analysis of Visualization Options in a Citizen Science Game
Josh Aaron Miller, Vivian A. Lee, Seth Cooper, Magy Seif El-Nasr - Using a Disjoint Skill Model for Game and Task Difficulty in Human Computation Games
Anurag Sarkar, Seth Cooper - Using Q-Learning for Sequencing Level Difficulties in a Citizen Science Matching Game
Sofia Eleni Spatharioti, Sara Wylie, Seth Cooper - Exploring Apprenticeship Learning for Player Modelling in Interactive Narratives
Jessica Rivera-Villicana, Fabio Zambetta, James Harland, Marsha Berry - Towards Predicting Hexad User Types from Smartphone Data
Maximilian Altmeyer, Pascal Lessel, Marc Schubhan, Antonio Krüger - Modata – Improving Dota 2 Experience and Spectatorship through Tangible Gameplay Visualization
Wesley A. P. van den Broek, Günter Wallner, Regina Bernhaupt - Media Metrics in Esports: The Case of Dota 2
Ekaterina Marchenko, Ilya Musabirov - Exploring the Pace of an Endless Runner Game in Stationary and Mobile Settings
Mudit Misra, Elena Márquez Segura, Ahmed Sabbir Arif - Children’s Perceptions and Concerns of Online Privacy
Eva Irene Brooks, Anders Kalsgaard Moeller