25 October — Auditorium Hall

  1. Measuring Fun with Adolescents: Introducing the Spanish and Dutch Adaptation of the FunQ
    Gabriella Tisza, Adrián Gollerizo, Panos Markopoulos
  2. Player Types and Achievements – Using Adaptive Game Design to Foster Intrinsic Motivation
    Georg Volkmar, Johannes Pfau, Rudolf Teise, Rainer Malaka
  3. Evaluating the GameFlow Model with Different Stakeholders
    Penny Sweetser, Daniel Johnson
  4. Towards an Objective Measure of Presence: Examining Startle Reflexes in a Commercial Virtual Reality Game
    (Johannes Schirm, Gabriela Tullius, M.P. Jacob Habgood)
  5. Organisational Climate Fostering Playfulness: Introducing the Gamification Climate Scale
    Cornelia Gerdenitsch, Daniela Wurhofer, Pascal Klöckner, Simone Kriglstein, Manfred Tscheligi
  6. Trusted Teammates: Commercial Digital Games Can Be Effective Trust-Building Tools
    Evelyn Tan, Anna L. Cox
  7. Shinobi Valley: Studying Curiosity For Virtual Spatial Exploration Through A Video Game
    Marcello A. Gómez-Maureira, Isabelle Kniestedt, Max van Duijn, Carolien Rieffe, Aske Plaat
  8. Getting the Player’s Attention: Comparing the Effectiveness of Common Notification Types in Task Management Games
    Wen Bo Yu, Daniel MacCormick, Loutfouz Zaman, Pejman Mirza-Babaei
  9. Exploring the Effects of Time Pressure on Screen-Cheating Behaviour: Insights and Design Potentials
    Moritz Kubesch, Michael Lankes, Bernhard Maurer
  10. Choosing a Side: How do Players Pick a Game when Entering the MOBA Genre?
    Rees Morris, Sarah Wiseman
  11. What Data do Players Rely on in Social Deduction Games?
    Sarah Wiseman, Kevin Lewis
  12. Social Games Are Fun: Exploring Social Interactions on Smart Speaker Platforms for People with Disabilities
    Stefan Greuter, Susan Balandin, Jo Watson
  13. Societies in Games: how do players perceive groups of game characters?
    Diogo Rato, Samuel Mascarenhas, Rui Prada
  14. Can You Rely on Human Computation? A Large-scale Analysis of Disruptive Behavior in Games With A Purpose
    Johannes Pfau, Rainer Malaka
  15. Large-Scale Analysis of Visualization Options in a Citizen Science Game
    Josh Aaron Miller, Vivian A. Lee, Seth Cooper, Magy Seif El-Nasr
  16. Using a Disjoint Skill Model for Game and Task Difficulty in Human Computation Games
    Anurag Sarkar, Seth Cooper
  17. Using Q-Learning for Sequencing Level Difficulties in a Citizen Science Matching Game
    Sofia Eleni Spatharioti, Sara Wylie, Seth Cooper
  18. Exploring Apprenticeship Learning for Player Modelling in Interactive Narratives
    Jessica Rivera-Villicana, Fabio Zambetta, James Harland, Marsha Berry
  19. Towards Predicting Hexad User Types from Smartphone Data
    Maximilian Altmeyer, Pascal Lessel, Marc Schubhan, Antonio Krüger
  20. Modata – Improving Dota 2 Experience and Spectatorship through Tangible Gameplay Visualization
    Wesley A. P. van den Broek, Günter Wallner, Regina Bernhaupt
  21. Media Metrics in Esports: The Case of Dota 2
    Ekaterina Marchenko, Ilya Musabirov
  22. Exploring the Pace of an Endless Runner Game in Stationary and Mobile Settings
    Mudit Misra, Elena Márquez Segura, Ahmed Sabbir Arif
  23. Children’s Perceptions and Concerns of Online Privacy
    Eva Irene Brooks, Anders Kalsgaard Moeller