
CHI PLAY 2020 uses one single template format for submission in both the “Proceedings” (for full papers) and “Extended Abstracts” (all other tracks), namely the interim template, in line with directives from the ACM.

Please do not use the former SIGCHI or Extended Abstract template, for more information on the reasons, see the article in ACM’s Newsletter.

Conference Proceedings: Full Papers can take up 7 to 12 pages (excluding references). They are published in the main conference proceedings (“Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play”) and appear in the ACM Digital Library.

Extended Abstracts Proceedings: Papers to the below tracks can take up to the following page length:

  • Rapid Communication: 2 – 6 pages (excluding references)
  • Works-in-Progress: Up to 4 pages (excluding references)
  • Student Game Design Competition: Up to 4 pages (excluding references)
  • Interactivity: Up to 4 pages (excluding references)
  • Doctoral Consortium: Up to 2 pages (excluding references)

These papers are published in the Extended Abstracts (“Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play”) and are considered semi-archival. This implies that they also appear in the ACM Digital Library, yet authors may republish the material if “significantly” revised (for more information, see  SIGCHI, the ACM Policy on Pre-Publication Evaluation and the ACM Policy on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions).

Submissions should be made to CHI PLAY 2020 via Precision Conference 2.0.

Proceedings Format

We will use the ACM interim template for both the Conference Proceedings and the Extended Abstracts Proceedings. Please make sure to use the SIGCHI proceedings templates provided below. Also, note that you are required to use the ACM 2012 classifiers.

Please note that the templates have been updated as of May 2020. The [sigchi] template is no longer used. Please use download the new templates and use [sigconf] to prepare your camera-ready submission (see below).

  • Interim Word Template
  • LaTeX Template (please use “sample-sigconf.tex” with \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart} and check your PDF for incorrect characters -including references – and fix them before submission)
  • Overleaf template (please, use the ACM Conference Proceedings “Master” Template, in the “sample-authordraft.tex” file of the overleaf project, use the line \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}. Also, check your PDF for incorrect characters -including references – and fix them before submission) 
  • PDF example

Citing Games

In addition, because CHI PLAY deals with games, we provide express advice on how to cite games as scholarly resources. As games figure prominently in CHI PLAY research, we provide advice on how to cite them as scholarly sources. Authors are encouraged to use this new format in their papers. Word users can follow the guidelines; LaTeX users should use the BibTeX information below. An example of the game reference format follows:

Nintendo R&D1 and Intelligent Systems. 1994. Super Metroid. Game [SNES]. (18 April 1994). Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan. Last played August 2011.

General Pattern (note that for each entry, you should cite a specific version (e.g., platform) for a game): <developer>. <release year>. <game title in italics>. Game [<platform>]. (<game release date in <day> <month> <year> formats>). <publisher name>, <publisher address> (optional) Last played <last played date>.

LaTeX / BibTeX users should use the @misc entry type; the data fields should be filled as follows (the running example is at the end):

Author: Use the developer or developers of the version being cited. To avoid having the system treat the developer(s) as a first and last name, use curly braces around each developer.

Year: The release year for the version being cited.

Title: The game title, which has to be manually italicized (using \emph).

How published: The word “Game” followed by the platform in square brackets.

Day: The release day, if known, for the version being cited.

Month: The release month, if known, for the version being cited.

Note: The publisher’s name and location, followed by, optionally “Last played” and the date last played.

Publisher and Address: The template will not read these (hence the need to enter them as a note).


      Address = {Kyoto, Japan},
      Author = {{Nintendo R\&D1} and {Intelligent Systems}},
      Day = {18},
      Howpublished = {Game [SNES]},
      Month = {April},
      Note = {Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan. Last played August 2011.},
      Publisher = {Nintendo},
      Title = {\emph{Super Metroid}},
      Year = {1994}}

Please direct any other questions to the respective chairs of the different tracks.

Accessible Submissions

We strongly encourage all authors review the linked information below to ensure their publications can maximize their impact by reaching the widest possible audience. We fully credit the below and offer our appreciation to the CHI 2020 Accessibility team and the ongoing work of AccessSIGCHI that continues to build more accessible conferences each year.

Guide to an Accessible Submission

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