The Interactivity track is an opportunity for researchers, designers and artists within the wider CHI PLAY community to showcase their work in a hands-on setting that gives conference attendees the opportunity to explore and discuss their systems. We are looking for submissions that push the boundaries of playful human-computer interaction through technical advancement, innovative interaction concepts, or stimulate artistic and critical reflection through design. Each submission to this track consists of a live artifact to be demonstrated at the conference along with an extended abstract submission that describes the system. Systems submitted to this track can be in beta or demo stages, but need to be running stable enough for live presentation and exploration by conference attendees.
Important dates (23:59 AoE)
July 15, 2020 | Interactivity submission deadline |
August 22, 2020 | Decisions sent to authors |
August 30, 2020 | Final camera-ready papers due |
- All times are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE)
- Up to 4 pages (references excluded) in the interim SIGCHI Format
- Up to 2 pages technical supplement
- Video material that showcases the work.
- Submissions must be made to CHI PLAY 2020 using the Precision Conference System (PCS)
- Submissions are NOT anonymous
This year, the Interactivity track at CHI PLAY invites submissions in two main categories, research and design. Submissions to the research category are expected to make a contribution to our understanding of how humans interact with playful technologies, which needs to be evidenced by thoroughly situating results in previous research in our field when preparing the extended abstract. Submissions to the design category are expected to provide an experience that engages conference attendees and stimulates conversation; in their abstract submission we expect authors to describe and reflect on the expected experience.
We especially encourage authors to submit games and interactive experiences that have the potential to be played by the audience during a live-demo session such as browser based experiences.
Please do not use the former SIGCHI template but use the interim template instead, for more information, see the submission guidelines.
In their submission (in total max 100MB), we ask that authors outline their system in accordance with their submission category (research or design) and to provide a short video of their system.
- Paper submission. A maximum of 4 pages in the interim SIGCHI template, excluding references. Submissions to the research category need to discuss related research in detail; submissions to the design category are expected to provide a description and reflection on the expected experience. Please do not anonymize your abstract.
- Video. A three to five minutes video demonstrating your system, and showcases how users interact with it, detailing the expected experience. We recommend that you encode your video as an MP4 using the H.264 codec. The video will be used for reviewing purposes and as a source for presentation and discussion during the conference.
Please note that we will ask you to indicate your submission category (research or design) when uploading your information to PCS, and that each submission will be reviewed against the requirements for the specific category.
Due to going virtual, we are working on updates regarding the submission requirements and conference presentation. For an interim update, please look at our updated Call for Papers.
Review Process
Interactivity submissions will be juried. All identifying information about authors must NOT be anonymized before submission.
Upon Acceptance
Authors of accepted submissions will be expected to attend the virtual conference and showcase their system in a virtual presentation format (i.e., videos of accepted submissions will be shown during an interactive live event).
After the Conference
Interactivity papers are archived in the ACM Digital Library in the CHI PLAY 2020 Extended Abstracts.
The ACM does not take responsibility for shipping art or interactivity equipment due to liability concerns.
Please direct any questions to