Rapid Communications

‘Rapid Communications’  is an innovative track at CHI PLAY focusing on specific topics of interest to the community, highlighting significant work from both industry and research. We especially invite contributions from practitioners and researchers in game development, games user research, games education, gamification and PX. The track is also suitable for individuals, studios, and companies who want to showcase their work and share lessons learned from success and failure. 

Rapid Communications papers are presented at the conference in a short presentation format using an accompanying pre-recorded presentation of their work. While Rapid Communications welcomes originality and innovation, the track is open to post-mortems, case studies, design reflections and rationals, position papers, and design tools.

Below are some examples of the topics that suitable for submission to this track:

  • Case studies of academic/industry projects,
  • Game projects with in situ testing and evaluation,
  • Developer focused (tools for game creation and innovations to advance the work of game designers and developers, developer experiences and studies of developers)
  • Interaction focused (novel playful interactions and new game mechanics, techniques that affect player experiences, innovative game controllers, virtual and augmented reality in games and play, etc.),
  • Studies of applied games and player experiences (e.g., games and play for health, wellbeing, and learning) and accessible and inclusive design and player experiences.

Due to the virtual format of the conference, Rapid Communication papers are presented in 3-4 minute pre-recorded videos, supported by written and visual material. Additionally, authors will have the opportunity to discuss their work in dedicated breakout rooms, where the author will be able to engage with the audience.

Important dates (23:59 AoE)

July 15, 2020Rapid Communications submission deadline
August 22, 2020
Decisions sent to authors
Sept 03, 2020
August 30, 2020
Final camera-ready papers due



Submissions can be 2 to 6 pages long (in SIGCHI interim template format), references excluded. In addition to the primary submission, authors are allowed to submit up to 4-pages of supplementary material. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit videos to support their submission when applicable. Papers may refer to these videos. Submissions must NOT be anonymized before submission. If needed, a submission can be accompanied by supplementary material such as technical details, additional figures, or other material that supports the submission. Upon acceptance, authors will be asked to create a pre-recorded presentation video.

Please do not use the former SIGCHI template but use the interim template instead, for more information, see the submission guidelines.

Submissions must be made using the Precision Conference System (PCS).

Review Process

Rapid Communication papers will be subject to peer reviewing. Identifying information about authors must NOT be anonymized before submission.

Upon Acceptance

Authors will have to prepare a camera-ready version of the paper and the pre-recorded video, incorporating the feedback provided by reviewers. Authors will discuss their work in dedicated breakout rooms, where the author will be able to engage with the audience.

After the Conference

All accepted Rapid Communications and the pre-recorded videos will be archived in the ACM Digital Library in the CHI PLAY 2020 Extended Abstracts.

Please direct any questions to rc@chiplay.acm.org.

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