Work in Progress

Authors are invited to submit high-quality original work to advance the field of player-computer interaction research. CHI PLAY 2020 welcomes submissions that further our understanding of the player experience, as well as contributions on novel designs or implementations of player-computer interactions.

We encourage submissions describing late-breaking advances and work-in-progress reports from ongoing research. The paper should describe the underlying ideas and motivations for the work in sufficient detail to allow the reviewers to assess the potential contribution of the work. The paper should also state explicitly how the work is “in progress”; explain the future directions and challenges for the project, and state how the work reported in this paper contributes to that bigger research agenda.

Examples include:

  • An original and innovated technology, technique, or prototype with or without an accompanying evaluation
  • A short qualitative or quantitative study with a complete analysis
  • A “sequel” to a prior research contribution
  • A “prequel” to motivate or provoke novel conversations or future work
  • A theoretical or methodological contribution that provokes novel conversations for the discipline

Due to the virtual format of the conference, Work in Progress papers are presented in short 1-2 minute pre-recorded videos, supported by written and visual material. Additionally, authors will have the opportunity to discuss their work in dedicated breakout rooms, where the author will be able to engage with the audience.

Please do not use the former SIGCHI template but use the interim template instead, for more information, see the submission guidelines.

Important dates (23:59 AoE)

July 15, 2020
Work in Progress submission deadline
August 22, 2020
Decisions sent to authors
September 3, 2020
August 30, 2020
Final camera-ready papers and pre-recorded video due


  • All times are 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)
  • Up to 4 pages (references excluded) in the interim SIGCHI template format
  • Submissions must be made to CHI PLAY 2020 using the Precision Conference System (PCS)
  • Submissions are NOT anonymous
  • A poster is only required upon acceptance and at the conference
  • A pre-recorded video is only required upon acceptance and has to be submitted together with the camera-ready paper.

Due to going virtual, we are working on updates regarding the submission requirements and conference presentation. For an interim update, please look at our updated Call for Papers.

Review Process

Work in Progress submissions will be peer-reviewed, and evaluated on the basis of originality, innovation and contribution to conference program diversity.

Upon Acceptance

Authors will have two weeks to prepare a camera-ready version of the paper and the pre-recorded video, incorporating the feedback provided by reviewers. Authors will discuss their work in dedicated breakout rooms, where the author will be able to engage with the audience.

After the Conference

Work in Progress papers and the pre-recorded videos will be archived in the ACM Digital Library in the CHI PLAY 2020 Extended Abstracts.

Please direct any questions to

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