We actively solicit hosts for 2022 and onward. Given the uncertainty surrounding travel in the current pandemic, bids should specify plans for physical and online events (and if proposed any hybrid options). The host proposal process is intended to be as lightweight as possible, allowing the SC to conduct an informed review. The bid does not need to be a “polished” document, but should include:
- Details of the potential city, including typical hotel costs and/or cost estimates for hosting the event online
- Cost estimates for each option (online, physical and if included, hybrid) including the potential city and typical hotel costs
- Details of at least one possible venue should include an indication of the cost of hiring the venue, for one day of roughly three workshops and three days of the conference (In the past we welcomed 150-220 attendees at physical conferences. At the virtual CHI PLAY 2020 edition, we had 357 registrations), the AV facilities required, and WiFi networking capable of handling 600+ connected devices. This budget need not be final but indicates the potential costs of holding the conference in that location.
- Expected potential dates
- Indications of potential collocation with other synergetic events
- A possible high-level schedule of the conference, which should be based on recent CHI PLAY conferences. Innovative ideas for other sessions or sub-events are very welcome
- Short bios of the general chairs and any local chairs or other community members, who have indicated their willingness to serve. Program Chairs for the archival papers/notes track should NOT be specified. The SC will work with the general chairs to choose program chairs after the host is chosen.
- Potential local sponsors, both public bodies and local companies
Prospective hosts are encouraged to review the ACM SIG Conference Planning Guide. As an ACM-sponsored conference, the ACM takes on financial liability (e.g., signing contracts for the venue) and will assist the general chairs with negotiations with a suitable venue as necessary.
As with previous conferences, it is crucial to keep the registration costs and other costs associated with attending the conference as low as possible, so that attendance is open to as many people as possible. Please focus please focus on finding cost-effective options for catering and other expected costs and listing low-cost accommodation possibilities.
Deadline for proposals: 1 May 2021
If you are thinking of submitting a proposal, please get in touch with the chair of the steering committee, Daniel Johnson sc-chair@chiplay.org, or any other member of the steering committee. The SC is happy to help advise prospective hosts before a final proposal is submitted.