Rapid Communications is an innovative track at CHI PLAY focusing on topics of interest to the community. The track highlights significant work from both industry and research. We welcome contributions from practitioners and researchers in game development, games user research, games education, gamification, and player experience. The track is suitable for individuals, studios, and companies, who want to showcase their work and share lessons learned from success and failure. 

We invite two different contribution types: 

1) Rapid Communications Papers (4-10 pages) invite researchers and practitioners to submit, for example, position papers, design reflections, or provocations. Papers should describe complete works. Reports from ongoing research should instead be submitted to Work In Progress.

2) Industry Talks which invite industrial professionals to share, for example, lessons learned, present post-mortems, or describe technical ecosystems.

Interested authors/speakers can freely choose which contribution type they would like to submit. Only Rapid Communications Papers are published in the ACM Digital Library. Industry Talks will be made accessible through the CHI PLAY 2021 website, but are not published in the ACM Digital Library.


Rapid Communications Papers

  • 4 to 10 pages in ACM Primary Article Template. The page limit accounts for references and appendices
  • Supplementary material (optional)
  • These submissions are published in the CHI PLAY 2021 Extended Abstracts and ACM Digital Library
  • CHI PLAY 2021 will use the new ACM Primary Article Templates; detailed instructions on formatting can be found here 
  • Authors should submit manuscripts for review in a single-column format, which is available for Word and LaTeX (use the “manuscript” call to create a single-column format, rather than “acmsmall”). If you are using the ACM LaTeX Overleaf template, please select the “ACM Journals – New Primary Template“, not the “ACM Conference Proceedings ‘Master’ Template”
  • Submissions should NOT be anonymized.

Industry talk

  •   A short 250-word abstract, as well as a brief rationale how the contribution is of interest to the CHI PLAY community
  •   A 250-word speaker’s biography
  •   A first draft of the slide deck intended to be presented at the conference
  • These submissions will not be published in the ACM Digital Library but will be made accessible through the CHI PLAY 2021 website. There will be a reduced “industry speaker’s rate” registration fee for accepted industry talk submissions (details to be announced).

Submissions must be made using the Precision Conference System (PCS).



Rapid Communication papers will be subject to peer review. Identifying information about authors must NOT be anonymized before submission. Industry talk submissions will be curated.

Upon Acceptance

Authors of Rapid Communications Papers (4-10 pages) will have to prepare a camera-ready version of the paper (incorporating the feedback provided by reviewers), as well as the pre-recorded video of their presentation. Authors will discuss their work in dedicated breakout rooms, where the author will be able to engage with the audience.

Speakers of Industry Talks will have to prepare a pre-recorded video of their presentation. They will discuss their work in dedicated breakout rooms, where they will be able to engage with the audience.

After the Conference

All accepted Rapid Communications papers and their respective pre-recorded videos will be archived in the ACM Digital Library in the CHI PLAY 2020 Extended Abstracts. Industry Talks will be made accessible through the CHI PLAY 2021 website but will not be published in the ACM Digital Library.

Please direct any questions to rc@chiplay.acm.org.