The official timezone of the conference is UTC-5. The program below can be adapted to your local timezone. Midspace – our conference platform – adapts the schedule within the platform automatically to your local timezone.
Detailed Program
The full draft program, including details of paper sessions is available here.
The proceedings are available:
Overall Schedule
The conference follows a 24 hours schedule organized along blocks of three hours each seperated by three hour breaks between them.
18 Oct |
19 Oct |
20 Oct |
21 Oct |
03:00 AM |
Opening |
Opening |
Opening |
03:10 AM
03:50 AM |
Panel |
Masterclass |
Panel |
04:00 AM |
PapersGame Design |
PapersLearning and Behaviour Change |
PapersMental Health and Wellbeing |
05:00 AM
06:00 AM |
Work In Progress |
Work In Progress |
Rapid Communication |
09:00 AM |
Opening |
Opening |
Townhall |
Keynote |
09:10 AM
Keynote |
Keynote |
10:00 AM
10:50 AM |
PapersDetection and Prediction |
PapersPlayer Experience |
PapersMethods |
Closing |
11:00 AM
12:00 PM |
Rapid Communication |
Doctoral Consortium |
Keynote |
12:00 PM
1:00 PM |
03:00 PM |
Opening |
Opening |
Opening |
03:10 PM
03:50 PM |
Masterclass |
Fireside Chat |
Panel |
04:00 PM
04:50 PM |
PapersApplied Gaming |
Interactivity & Student Game Design Competition |
PapersGames for Health |
05:00 PM
06:00 PM |
Work in Progress |
PapersGame Design |
Work In Progress |
09:00 PM |
Opening |
Opening |
Opening |
09:10 PM
09:50 PM |
Fireside Chat |
Masterclass |
Panel |
10:00 PM
10:50 PM |
Student Game Design Competition |
PapersMental Health and Wellbeing |
PapersUnderstanding Players |
11:00 PM
12:00 AM |
PapersBoard Games, Data and Taxonomies |
Work In Progress |
Panel |