
Interweaving Online and Onsite Participants

We planned a few activities for our online participants to enjoy and to connect online and onsite participants. This page gives an overview of the activities, but keep an eye on the conference Discord for announcements and smaller activities (your access link to Discord will be emailed shortly before the conference). Wednesday, 2nd November Online...

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CHI PLAY Full Papers: Results After Round 2

After two rounds of review, CHI PLAY 2022 has accepted 40 full papers to be presented at the conference. Over two rounds, a total of 166 papers were submitted for review. Among the 40 accepted full papers, 28 papers were accepted with minor revisions in Round 1. All 28 papers were ultimately accepted in Round...

Shaping the Hybrid Conference Experience

With the move towards hybrid conferences, we face new challenges in engaging both on-site and remote participants. The advantage of the hybrid format is that it allows us to include participants who may be unable to travel to the conference site or would prefer to attend remotely. But how do we support online engagement and...

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CHI PLAY 2022 Full Papers: Results After Round 1

This year, CHI PLAY received 136 complete submissions to the full papers track. Out of these papers, one was withdrawn, one was desk rejected, and 10 were quick-rejected without entering the full reviewing process. In terms of primary contribution, we received the following number of self-identified submission types. Artifact-Design: 24 Artifact-Technical: 11 Empirical-Mixed Methods: 30...

From Rapid Communications to Perspectives on Play: Introducing the PoP Track

PoP replaces the Rapid Communications (RC) track. We recognized a need to clearly distinguish this track from similar ones, especially Work in Progress (WiP). We also wished to inspire contributions from voices within and outside of the CHI PLAY community—from researchers working in underrepresented fields who can share new viewpoints, to professionals with practical insights grounded in industry practice. Finally, we aimed to signpost a space for alternative types of submissions, from the bite-sized to formats that differ from what you might normally expect in a typical conference paper.

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Important Changes to CHI PLAY 2022 Paper Decisions

CHI PLAY 2022 will be the second year after a transition to the PACM publishing model. Based on last year’s experience with CHI PLAY 2021 review process, we have made some changes to how the final decisions will be made on papers to the Technical Program. The goal of these changes is to facilitate a more efficient review process and reduce the workload for both authors and Associate Chairs/reviewers.


  • There will be 3 outcomes for papers: “Accept with Minor Revisions”, “Revise and Resubmit” and “Reject”.
  • We will aim to only have a small number of papers to be classified as “Revise and Resubmit,” meaning most papers will be recommended as either “Accept with Minor Revisions” or “Reject” in the first round. We will allow a bigger number of papers than we can accept to the conference to go into R&R. Therefore, there will be another round of final selections at the end of the second cycle.

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CHI PLAY 2022 (2-5 November 2022)

The goal of CHI PLAY is to highlight and foster discussion of current high quality research in games and HCI as foundation for the future of digital play. To this end, the conference features streams that blend academic research papers, masterclasses, interactive play demos, student game design competition, poster session and industry insights. CHI PLAY...

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