Video Guidelines and Technical Requirements

This guide provides information for preparing video material for submission to CHI PLAY 2023. Additional information and requirements for each track are provided on their respective web pages.

Technical Requirements

All video submissions at CHI PLAY 2023 need to adhere to the following technical requirements. Please note that videos that do not adhere to these guidelines may not be processed, and may not appear in the ACM DL or SIGCHI YouTube channel. It is your responsibility to ensure these requirements are met.

  • Resolution is 1080p (i.e., 1920 x 1080).
  • Encoded as an MP4 using the H.264 codec.
  • Subtitles file in .srt or .sbv format.

Video Length and File Size

Please refer to the respective calls for information on maximum allowed video length and file size.

Encoding to MPEG-4/H.264 (.mp4)

Videos should use MPEG-4 encoding using the H.264 codec (file format .mp4). The open source video transcoder Handbrake provides good compression results and is available for OSX, Windows, and Ubuntu.


All pre-recorded videos must be submitted with subtitles. Do not encode captions directly within the video. Submit a separate subtitle file in .srt or .sbv format. Subtitles  can be created automatically, for instance, using YouTube which provides free tools for generating subtitles. If you use automatic services please make sure to review the generated subtitles and correct any errors. Please make sure that also any sound essential for following the content of the video is described in the subtitles. Information on how to describe non-speech information can, for example, be found at this website. If you have questions regarding subtitles, please contact our CHI PLAY 2023 Accessibility Chairs (

Accessibility Considerations

In addition to providing subtitles, use the tips for creating an accessible presentation in this 5 minute video. Remember that some people will not be able to see your slides, so the presentation should be understandable from the script alone. Make sure that the colors used in videos have sufficient contrast and are easily readable. Do not use colors as the only way to convey information and try to ensure that colors are sufficiently distinguishable. Mind the size of the text in your videos so that they can be read by everyone comfortably.

Please avoid using flickering, flashing, or loud effects in your video. For example, flashing lights can induce seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Avoid using fast-paced animations (simple appear/disappear is ok), unsteady camera work, flashing strobe lights, loud sounds, or repetitive alarms. If you include components, such as police car lights and sirens, consider warning viewers at the start of the video or right before the content so they can look away or mute their computers. The Trace Center offers an analysis tool to help authors assess whether their video is safe for people with photosensitive epilepsy (


For submission to an anonymized venue, all metadata that could identify the authors should be removed. For non-anonymized venues or camera-ready versions, please remember to review the metadata properties of your digital file and insert appropriate identifying comments at the submission time: author name(s), title, and copyright information.

Third-party Material and Copyright

Authors retain copyright to videos, but ACM requires that you sign an agreement allowing ACM to distribute the material.

It is very important that you have the rights to use all the material that is contained in your submission, including music, video, images, etc. Attaining permissions to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people or proprietary content rests with the author, not the ACM or the CHI conference. You are encouraged to use Creative Commons content, for example music available at ccMixter or Newgrounds. If you need to use copyrighted protected work, you are required to review and comply with ACM’s Copyright and Permission Policy and ACM’s Requirements about 3rd party material. In addition, YouTube’s copyright education website provides useful information on reusing 3rd party material.

Important Dates:

(all times are 23:59 AoE)


September 10th, 2023Early Bird Registration
From September 11th, 2023Regular Registration

Full Papers (Journal Articles)

February 21st, 2023Submission deadline
April 21st, 2023First-round notification
June 2nd, 2023Revisions due
July 7th, 2023Final notifications given
August 10th, 2023Camera-ready deadline
August 10th, 2023Video Presentation deadline

Work in Progress

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 24th, 2023Camera-ready deadline

Perspectives on Play

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 24th, 2023Camera-ready deadline

Student Game Design Competition

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 24th, 2023Camera-ready deadline

Interactivity Track

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 24th, 2023Camera-ready deadline

Connections Track

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 24th, 2023Camera-ready deadline

Doctoral Consortium

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 31st, 2023Revised video deadline

Student Volunteer

August 6th, 2023Application deadline
August 11th, 2023Notification

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