Work in Progress

Work in Progress (WIP) contributions provide a unique opportunity for authors to present reports on original yet incomplete work that seeks to advance our current knowledge in games and play through innovative or thought-provoking ideas. We encourage submissions describing late-breaking advances and a-in-progress reports from ongoing research. Submissions are evaluated on their originality, innovation, and contribution to the diversity of the conference program.

Examples include:

  • Original and innovative technologies, techniques, or prototypes, with or without an accompanying evaluation
  • Qualitative or quantitative studies showing preliminary results 
  • “Sequels” to a prior research contribution 
  • “Prequels” to motivate or stimulate novel conversations or future work 
  • Theoretical or methodological contributions that provoke disciplinary conversations 

Work in Progress papers are archived in the ACM Digital Library in the CHI PLAY 2023 Extended Abstracts.


  • Up to 8 pages in ACM Primary Article Template, single-column manuscript style (excluding references) 
  • Detailed instructions on formatting and submission can be found at Extended Abstract Submission Guidelines
  • Submissions are NOT anonymous 

Review Process 

Work in Progress (WIP) submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, innovation, and contribution to conference program diversity. 

Upon Acceptance 

Authors will have three weeks to prepare a camera-ready version of the paper incorporating the feedback provided by reviewers as well as a pre-recorded video of their presentation. Further, authors will have to prepare a poster for presentation at the conference. Work-in-Progress submissions are only presented as posters at the conference. If your work involves a demonstration of a piece of technology or experience consider making an additional submission to the Interactivity track.


The submitted video must be no longer than 3 minutes and briefly describe authors’ work. Please see the video guidelines for technical requirements. 

After the Conference 

Work in Progress papers and the pre-recorded videos will be archived in the ACM Digital Library in the CHI PLAY 2023 Extended Abstracts. 
Questions? Please contact the Work in Progress Chairs at email

Important Dates:

(all times are 23:59 AoE)


September 10th, 2023Early Bird Registration
From September 11th, 2023Regular Registration

Full Papers (Journal Articles)

February 21st, 2023Submission deadline
April 21st, 2023First-round notification
June 2nd, 2023Revisions due
July 7th, 2023Final notifications given
August 10th, 2023Camera-ready deadline
August 10th, 2023Video Presentation deadline

Work in Progress

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 24th, 2023Camera-ready deadline

Perspectives on Play

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 24th, 2023Camera-ready deadline

Student Game Design Competition

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 24th, 2023Camera-ready deadline

Interactivity Track

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 24th, 2023Camera-ready deadline

Connections Track

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 24th, 2023Camera-ready deadline

Doctoral Consortium

June 22nd, 2023Submission deadline
August 3rd, 2023Notification
August 31st, 2023Revised video deadline

Student Volunteer

August 6th, 2023Application deadline
August 11th, 2023Notification

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