Interweaving Online and Onsite Participants
Interweaving Online and Onsite Participants With the move towards hybrid conferences, we face new challenges in engaging both on-site and remote participants. The advantage of the hybrid format is that it allows us to include participants who may be unable to travel to the conference site or would prefer to attend remotely. But how do…
CHI PLAY COVID Policy Dear CHI PLAY community, While no longer considered a global health emergency, COVID continues to deeply affect our communities. With this year’s CHI PLAY being an October conference, we come together at a time of the year where infectious disease is on the rise in Canada, and spending time outdoors becomes…
Perspectives on Play: Review Process and Reflections
Perspectives on Play: Review Process and Reflections What is Perspectives on Play (PoP)? Perspectives on Play (PoP) is a new track (2022) for short and compelling papers that highlight a perspective geared towards CHI PLAY and adjacent communities, launch new directions for study or practice, and spark conversation at the live event. We invite readers…
Full Papers: Results After Round 2
Full Papers: Results After Round 2 After two rounds of review, CHI PLAY 2023 has accepted 52 full papers to be presented at the conference. Over two rounds, a total of 226 papers were submitted for review. Among the 52 accepted full papers, 17 papers were accepted with minor revisions in Round 1. All 17…
CHI PLAY 2023’s approach to Hybrid
CHI PLAY 2023’s approach to Hybrid Like the rest of the academic community, we continue to explore how the hybrid format can provide more inclusive and healthy, as well as more financially and environmentally sustainable, conferences for the CHI PLAY community. Over the past years we’ve found that hybrid conferences enable us to include participants…
Citing Games with Ludographies in CHI PLAY Papers
Citing Games with Ludographies in CHI PLAY Papers Citing games, whether commercial or academic, has become common in the CHI PLAY community as they represent important scholarly resources for our work. Games are cited to support statements, exemplify abstract ideas, and acknowledge practice; they may also be a form of primary data, on which the…
Paper Review Process after First Round of Reviews
Paper Review Process after First Round of Reviews This year, CHI PLAY received 178 complete submissions to the full papers track; however, 1 was withdrawn after submission. In terms of primary contribution, we received the following number of self-identified submission types. We received no author requests for alternative contribution types. Review Process All papers were…
Important Dates:
From September 11th, 2023 | Regular Registration |
Full Papers (Journal Articles)
Work in Progress
Perspectives on Play
Student Game Design Competition
Interactivity Track
Connections Track
Doctoral Consortium
Student Volunteer