After two rounds of review, CHI PLAY 2024 has accepted 63 full papers to be presented at the conference. Over two rounds, a total of 268 papers were submitted for review.
Among the 63 accepted full papers, 19 papers were accepted with minor revisions in Round 1. All 19 papers were ultimately accepted in Round 2. Additionally, 62 papers received Revise and Resubmit in Round 1. Authors of 60 papers chose to resubmit, and authors of 2 papers chose to withdraw. Out of the 60 resubmitted papers, 44 were ultimately accepted.
In terms of contribution type, of the 63 accepted papers, they were identified by authors with the following primary contribution types:

Information about the first round of reviews can be found in this blog:
After the second round of submissions, program committee members (i.e.,1AC and 2AC) and external reviewers were given the opportunity to engage with the revised pieces of work, and then engaged in extensive discussion within themselves and with the Papers Chairs during which we determined which papers should be accepted or rejected. Considering the second round of selection for Revise and Resubmit was still highly competitive, we used a 7-category scale rather than a simple Accept/Reject to better reflect reviewers’ recommendations, which helped ACs and Papers Chairs make final decisions:
- Choose “Strongly Accept” if a reviewer believes that this paper should definitely be included in CHI PLAY 2024. Only the ACs will look at the paper again before publishing.
- Choose “Accept” if the paper is acceptable with only copy edits at this stage. Only the ACs will look at the paper again before publishing.
- Choose “Discussion-Lean Accept,” “Discussion-Unsure,” and “Discussion-Lean Reject” if more discussion is needed for this paper and how positive or negative you feel about this paper.
- Choose “Reject” if a reviewer believes the authors have not addressed appropriately the list of changes requested after the first review round, or the paper still requires revision.
- Choose “Strongly Reject” if a reviewer believes the authors have not addressed appropriately the list of changes requested after the first review round, and the revised paper should definitely not be included at CHI PLAY 2024.
For papers where there was clear consensus among program committee members (i.e., 1AC and 2AC) and reviewers, there was only a brief exchange with the Papers Chairs to confirm the final decisions. Only lightly touching papers with clear consensus allowed us to focus our time and energy on those submissions that required more consideration.
For borderline papers or papers with conflicting or no clear recommendations, we followed up with a one-week committee discussion period, during which Papers Chairs, 1ACs, 2ACs, and, in some cases, also other program committee members engaged in an effort to resolve all remaining issues and make final decisions. Papers Chairs were only involved if the ACs required their expertise. These papers were discussed primarily via text chat in private Slack channels dedicated to each paper. ACs made the final decision about the work and how to communicate it to the author.
Congratulations to all authors of accepted submissions. We would like to acknowledge the efforts that our community has made in ensuring a rigorous reviewing process, working together with the submitting authors to achieve high-quality scholarship. We thank our dedicated team of ACs, external reviewers, and paper authors, who gamely embraced our review process and timeline, contributing to the maturation and growth of the CHI PLAY community, and resulting in a record number of exciting and highly relevant articles. The accepted papers represent a significant effort of our community in coming together to produce a collection of research that highlights the multifaceted value of play.
Regan Mandryk, Julian Frommel, and Alena Denisova
CHI PLAY 2024 Paper Chairs